Basic requirements for the content of educational documents of their own type
1. Forms and attachments to educational documents of their own type contain:
- University name;
- surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the graduate;
- code and name of the educational program (specialty);
- the awarded degree (if any);
- form of study;
- signature of the head of the University;
- serial registration number;
- date and place (city) of issue;
- University seal.
2. The logo and (or) the name of the accreditation agency for institutional accreditation shall be placed in the documents on education of its own type. Logos (or) names of accreditation agencies for specialized accreditation of educational programs are placed in the appendix to documents on education of their own type.
3. Documents on education of their own type contain protective signs, and also the technology of automatic identification and data collection and (or) QR code is applied.
4. Documents on education of their own type have the following series:
- Bachelor’s degree diploma – BD;
- higher education diploma with qualification – BQ;
- postgraduate diploma with the award of a master’s degree – MD;
- certificate for master’s diploma – СMD;
- certificate of pedagogical retraining – CPR;
5. Forms and attachments to educational documents of their own type are filled out in the state, English and (or) other (Russian, etc.) languages.
6. Forms are filled in as follows:
- in the line “surname, first name and patronymic (if any)” for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have completed their studies, are written in full in accordance with the entry in the identity document (or its substitute document);
- in the line “surname, first name and patronymic (if any)” of a foreign citizen are recorded according to the data of the foreign passport;
- in the line “full name of the educational organization” the official name of the educational institution is indicated;
- in the line “degree / qualification awarded” – the name of the awarded degree / qualification;
- in the line “code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program” the code, name of the specialty and (or) educational program is indicated;
- the line “form of training” indicates the form of training.
- When students master more than 50% of disciplines of educational programs with the use of distance learning technologies, in the line “form of education” the corresponding mark “with the use of distance learning technologies” is indicated;
- the form indicates the series and number of the issued diploma, the city where the educational organization is located, the date of issue of the form: number (in figures), month (in words) and year (in four-digit figures), registration number of the form according to the register of issued forms.
- indicates the date, number of the protocol of the attestation commission;
7. Appendices to documents on education of their own sample are filled in as follows:
- surname, name, patronymic (if any) are indicated in full;
- name of disciplines, number of academic credits – ECTS. Assessment (literal, in points and traditional (in words));
- in the line “Final certification”, the name, the number of academic credits – ECTS and the mark (in literal equivalent, in points and traditional (in words)) are indicated. If a comprehensive exam is passed, then the names of the disciplines included in the comprehensive exam are indicated, and one grade is given;
- in the line “Previous education document” indicates the name of the education document, on the basis of which the person was enrolled in the OVPO, the document number and the year of issue. If the previous education document was obtained abroad, its name is indicated in translation into the state, English and (or) other (Russian, etc.) languages and the name of the country in which this document was issued;
- in the line “Enrolled at” and “Completed (a) studies at” are indicated in four-digit numbers, respectively, the year of admission and the year of graduation, as well as the full name of the educational institution to which this person entered, and the name of the University, which this face graduated.
- in the line “Total number of disbursed academic credits – ECTS” – the number of credits is indicated in figures;
- in the line “Weighted average grade (GPA) of training” – the average score for the entire period of study is indicated in numbers;
- in the line “Professional practice” indicates the name, the number of academic credits – ECTS and grade (in literal equivalent, in points and traditional (in words));
- in the line “Number of theoretical study credits” and “ECTS theoretical study credits” – indicate in numbers the number of theoretical study credits;
- in the line “By the decision of the attestation commission” the protocol number and date are indicated in numbers;
- in the line “Awarded (assigned)” the degree / qualification is indicated;
- in the line “By specialty and (or) educational program” the code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program shall be indicated;
- in the line “The level of compliance with the national qualifications framework” is indicated in numbers: the level: for undergraduate – 6, for magistracy – 7, for doctoral studies – 8.
8. Disciplines studied by a graduate in excess of the disciplines determined by the curriculum of the University for a given field of study or specialty, are introduced with the consent of the graduate at his request.