Scientific conference
Materials of the international scientific and practical (offline/online) conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 14, 2021
Materials of the international scientific and practical (offline/online) conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Akhmet Baitursynov on April 22, 2022
Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “THE DOCTRINE OF ZOROASTRIANIZM AND CENTRAL ASIA: SPIRITUAL, CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL CONTINUITY” dedicated to the Republic Day and 25th anniversary West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology September 29, 2023
Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Problems of the formation of universal human values in the education system in the context of world culture” within the framework of the “Kazhymov readings”
Materials of the international scientific conference “Kazakh literary criticism: traditions and continuity”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the professor of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University, Doctor of Philological Sciences A. M. Musaev