Scientific and Methodological Council

General provisions

The Scientific and Methodological Council (here in after SMC) of the West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University is organized and operates in accordance with the Regulations on the scientific work of the WKITU.

The SMC is a collective body created in order to increase the efficiency of the university’s scientific activities, improve the long-term planning and selection of topics for scientific research and technical developments, develop the connection of science with the educational process, production, strengthen its focus and ensure compliance with the goals and objectives in training, achieve unity of educational and scientific work, more effective use of the scientific potential of the university.

In its activities, the SMC is guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Science”, methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of the Rector of the University.

Structure and staff

The SMC is organized under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations – the Chairman.

The structure of the SMC of the university includes sections taking into account scientific directions from among the heads of departments, leading scientists of faculties and teaching staff.

Purpose and main tasks

The SMC is created for the purpose of planning and organizing scientific research, summing up the results of scientific research (hereinafter referred to as R&D) of teachers, introducing their results into the educational process, production, as well as for the effective work of master’s and doctoral studies in the training of scientific personnel.

The main tasks of the SMC are:

  • consideration of research work plans of departments, faculties;
  • consideration of the draft state budget and contractual research with regard to the scientific directions of the departments, coordination of issues of common activity carried out with other research institutions and organizations;
  • debriefing and evaluation research departments, faculties, use the results in the educational process and production;
  • discussion research training through master’s and doctoral studies and the training of scientific personnel through courses and trainings;
  • hearing reports undergraduates, doctoral students on the implementation of individual plans;
  • examination of scientific articles for publication in scientific journals;
  • organization and conducting of scientific conferences at the University; the participation of faculty in international and national scientific conferences and innovation competitions;
  • consideration of issues of scientific-research work of students, the participation of students in scientific conferences and innovation competition of the University.

SMC functions

The main functions of the SMC include:

  • coordination of work of scientific departments in the performance of integrated research and innovation projects;
  • the development prospects of the scientific departments WKITU, directions held in their research, their compliance with the profile of training and educational programs WKITU;
  • the review of scientific works of the departments WKITU;
  • review and evaluate reports on research and innovation projects;
  • hearing of reports of the heads of the results of scientific research; reports undergraduates, doctoral students;
  • consideration of published monographs;
  • examination of scientific articles and recommendation of their publication in scientific journals;
  • consideration of the issues of information support of research and development, production and patent and licensing work;
  • analysis of the scientific interaction of the structural units WKITU, elaboration of recommendations for improving research activities WKITU.
  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    090000, Uralsk
    N. Nazarbayev Avenue, 208