Archeology museum

On March 28, 2019, for the implementation of archaeological work on historical and cultural monuments on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University issued a License of the first category under No. 19007257.        On the basis of this License, students of the specialty – 5В011400 – “History” of the Department of “History and Law” of the Pedagogical Faculty began their archaeological practice on the monuments of cultural heritage.        Archaeological research was organized at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex, which is located 10 km from the Segizsay village, Shyngyrlau region. During the excavation, three burial mounds were opened and examined. The monuments date back to the 2nd-3rd centuries BC. and belonged to the Sarmatian tribes. In the burial chambers of the mounds, in addition to the remains of human bones, bronze arrowheads, multicolored beads made of glass paste, a bone spoon made from an MRS scapula, ceramic vessels, etc. were found.On the basis of the found artifacts, the Museum of Archeology was organized at the university in December 2019. The head of the museum is Ph.D., Associate Professor Murat Dabylovich Kalmenov.

         The museum exhibits – exposition dioramas, burial chambers on a chronological scale, a fragment of the fortress wall of a medieval settlement, stone statues on a chronological scale.

Artifacts of the Museum of Archаeology: 

Ceramic vessels. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Ceramic vessels. They were found during archaeological exploration at the Ilekshar complex.

Bronze arrowheads. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Glass paste beads. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Bone spoon. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Fragment of a leg of a stone altar. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay complex (Lebedevka).

Fragment of the wooden flooring of the burial chamber. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Fragments of treated leather. They were found during archaeological research at the Segizsay (Lebedevka) complex.

Fragments of burnt bricks. They were found during archaeological exploration in the territory of the Zhaiyk settlement.

Fragments of glazed tiles. They were found during archaeological exploration on the territory of the Zhaiyk settlement.

  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    090000, Uralsk
    N. Nazarbayev Avenue, 208