About the library

The main purpose of the scientific library is to meet the information needs of students, teachers engaged in educational and scientific activities of the university. The structure of the library includes: the department of acquisition and processing of literature, the sectors of information technology and bibliography, subscriptions of educational literature, subscription of scientific literature, reading rooms and storage of the fund.

There are 4 reading rooms for 370 seats and 4 literature distribution points at the service of users.The library’s collection includes humanitarian, economic, technical, pedagogical, legal, and fiction literature, as well as periodicals, reference and electronic publications.

The pride of the library is the collection of literature donated to the university from the embassies of the USA, Turkey, Great Britain and the UN mission, KIMEP, UNIS, the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AVUZ RK).

The Scientific Library actively cooperates with the regional Scientific and Universal Library named after J. Moldagaliev, the Republican Scientific and Technical Library, the Children’s and Youth Library named after H. Yesenzhanova and the city library. The scientific library provides comfortable access to information using traditional catalogs, as well as Catalog “KABIS” (Kazakh Automated Library and Information System), the reference and legal base “Law” and the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RMEB), WI-FI and the Internet. There are 8 personal computers and peripherals in the reading room.

Librarians provide advisory assistance to readers in improving the educational level, contribute to the educational process and research work of the university, while providing complete and up-to-date information.

  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    090000, Uralsk
    N. Nazarbayev Avenue, 208