Council of Young Scientists

The composition of the Council of Young Scientists for the 2023-2024 academic year

The purpose of the Council of Young Scientists is to enhance the professional growth of young scientists, combine their efforts to develop relevant scientific problems and solve priority scientific tasks, and develop innovative activities of young scientists.

The provision is valid for all structural divisions, teaching staff (teaching staff), employees involved in the process of organizing research work of students.

The Council of Young Scientists (CYS) at the West Kazakhstan Innovative and Technological University was established on behalf of the rector and is a public association. The activities of the Council of which are aimed at promoting and developing the creative scientific activity of young scientists of WKITU, through participation in research and innovative activities.

The Council of Young Scientists includes the chairmen of the CYS of all the institutes of the university.

In its activities, the Council is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, other normative legal acts, as well as this Regulation.

The position and composition of the Council are approved by the Rector of the University.

In its activities, the scientific department is guided by the current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Science”, methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of the Rector of the University.

All activities of the CYS aimed at achieving the goals defined by this Regulation are carried out at the expense of funds provided by legal entities and individuals interested in solving tasks that constitute the subject of the main activity of the CYS, including funds provided by the WKITU.

The organizational and technical support of the Council is provided by the University.

The goals and objectives of the Council of Young Scientists.

CYS carries out the following activities:

— coordinates the activities of CYS institutes of WKITU in the organization of scientific research of young scientists, plans and provides the necessary assistance in organizing conferences, scientific trips of young scientists;

— organizes and conducts scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, forums, and other events in which young scientists could participate;

— promotes the development of direct contacts between young scientists for the organization of interdisciplinary complex scientific research by young scientists aimed at solving urgent and practically significant tasks of modern science;

— carries out work on informing young scientists about scientific research and events conducted by Kazakhstani and foreign organizations;

— supports and stimulates the innovative activities of young scientists, organizes and carries out activities related to investment programs and project proposals of young scientists;

— carries out joint activities with the SSS of the departments of the institutes to attract students to research activities.

  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    090000, Uralsk
    N. Nazarbayev Avenue, 208