Admission rules

The procedure for admission to the Master’s degree program

According to the Standard Rules for Admission to educational organizations implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, approved by Order No. 600 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018, applications for master’s degree in higher and postgraduate education are accepted online through the information system of the National Testing Center.

The deadline for accepting applications will be implemented:

1) from June 1 to July 5 of the calendar year;

2) from October 25 to November 10 of the calendar year.

Comprehensive testing is carried out in the following terms:

1) from July 20 to August 10 of the calendar year;

2) from November 18 to December 11 of the calendar year.

The CT certificate, conducted between July 20 and August 10, is valid until December 1 of the calendar year.

The CT certificate, conducted from November 18 to December 11, is valid until March 1 of the calendar year.

The entrance exam in the Arabic language and creative exams for applicants to the master’s degree are held at the OVPO in the following terms:

1) from July 16 to July 25 of the calendar year;

2) from November 21 to November 28 of the calendar year.

The entrance exam in Arabic and creative exams are conducted independently by the OVPO.

Admission to the master’s program is carried out in the following terms:

1) from 15 to 28 August of the calendar year;

2) from December 26 to January 10 of the calendar year. The cost of participation in the CT is 14,693 tenge.


Comprehensive testing format

Russian Russian language of instruction – a comprehensive test consisting of a test in a foreign language (English, French, German, optional), a test according to the profile of a group of educational programs, a test to determine readiness to study in Kazakh or Russian;

Russian Russian or Kazakh language of instruction – comprehensive testing, consisting of a test on the profile of a group of educational programs and a test to determine readiness to study in Kazakh or Russian (optional);

in a specialized master’s degree with English language of instruction – comprehensive testing, consisting of a test on the profile of a group of educational programs in English and a test to determine readiness to study in Kazakh or Russian or English (optional);

for a master’s degree in groups of educational programs requiring creative training:

1) a test in a foreign language of choice (English, French, German) and a test to determine readiness for elective study in Kazakh or Russian;

2) two creative exams on the profile of a group of educational programs.

Creative exams on the profile of groups of educational programs requiring creative training are conducted independently by organizations of higher and postgraduate education that carry out admission to educational programs of postgraduate education. The applicant takes creative exams according to the profile of groups of educational programs of postgraduate education at the university where he enters.

The master’s degree in groups of educational programs that require knowledge of the Arabic language is passed:

1) Arabic language entrance exam;

2) CT, which includes a test to determine readiness for training, a test on the profile of groups of educational programs, optionally in Kazakh or Russian.

Persons with international certificates confirming proficiency in a foreign language IELTS, TOEFL IBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based test), DSH (Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang), TestDaF-Prufung, TFI (Test de Français International), (Diplome d’Etudes en Langue française), DALF (Diplome Approfondi de Langue française), TCF (Test de connaissance du français), and international certificates of completion of the standardized GRE test (Graduate Record Examinations), it is necessary to enter the certificate data when applying for participation in CT in electronic format and in the competition.

Persons entering the master’s program who have an international certificate of passing the standardized GRE test (Graduate Record Examinations) to verify the authenticity and transfer of certificate scores indicate the admission and NTC as the recipient of the results of the standardized GRE test.

The transfer of the points of the above certificates is carried out after submitting an application for participation in the competition for awarding educational grants at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget or when enrolling in the OVPO on a paid basis. The authenticity and validity of the submitted certificates are checked by the admission commissions of the OVPO when applying for participation in the competition for awarding educational grants at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget or when enrolling in the OVPO on a fee basis. At the same time, the OVPO enters the NTC information system for the transfer of points.

The scale of conversion of the points of the international certificate confirming the proficiency in a foreign language in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency into points on the foreign language test of the CT in the master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction.

Type of test Scores Foreign language scores
IELTS at least 6 points 25
at least 6,5 points 30
at least 7 points 40
at least 7,5 points 45
at least 8 points 50
TOEFL IBT at least 78 points 25
at least 93 points 30
at least 101 points 40
at least 109 points 45
at least 114 points 50
DSH, TestDaF-Prufung at least level B2 25
Niveau С1/ level C1 35
Niveau С2/ level C2 50
TFI, ELF, DALF, TCF at least level B2 25
at least level C1 35
at least level C2 50

Persons applying for a master’s degree in groups of educational programs in the fields of education “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics”, “Information and Communication Technologies”, “Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries”, as well as training areas “Humanities”, “Social Sciences”, “Business and Management” are optionally exempt from the foreign language block and the test to determine readiness for CT training in a scientific and pedagogical master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction if there is an international certificate of passing the standardized GRE test (Graduate Record Examinations), in accordance with the scale of points translation.

Persons applying for a master’s degree in groups of educational programs in the fields of education “Pedagogical Sciences”, “Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics”, “Information and Communication Technologies”, “Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries”, as well as training areas “Humanities”, “Social Sciences”, “Business and Management” at will, they are exempt from the test to determine the readiness to study CT in a specialized master’s degree with Kazakh, Russian or English language of instruction in the presence of an international certificate of completion of the standardized GRE test (Graduate Record Examinations), in accordance with the scale of points translation.

The scale of conversion of the points of the international certificate of the standardized GRE test into CT scores for a master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction

The International Standardized GRE Test Comprehensive testing
Test Sections Points for the fields of education “Pedagogical sciences”, areas of training “Humanities”, “Social Sciences” Points for the fields of education “Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics”, “Information and Communication technologies”, “Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries”, areas of training “Business and Management” Types of test Scores
Quantitative Reasoning at least 155 points at least 160 points A test to determine readiness for training 10
Analytical Writing at least 3 points at least 3 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 160 points at least 165 points A test to determine readiness for training 20
Analytical Writing at least 4 points at least 4 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 165 points at least 170 points A test to determine readiness for training 30
Analytical Writing at least 5 points at least 5 points
Verbal Reasoning at least 145 points at least 145 points Foreign Language test 25
Verbal Reasoning at least 155 points at least 155 points Foreign Language test 40
Verbal Reasoning at least 165 points at least 165 points Foreign Language test 50

The scale of conversion of the points of the international certificate of the standardized GRE test into CT scores in a specialized master’s degree with Kazakh, Russian or English language of instruction

The International Standardized GRE Test Comprehensive testing
Test Sections Points for the fields of education “Pedagogical sciences”, areas of training “Humanities”, “Social Sciences” Points for the fields of education “Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics”, “Information and Communication technologies”, “Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries”, areas of training “Business and Management” Types of test Scores
Quantitative Reasoning at least 155 points at least 160 points A test to determine readiness for training 10
Analytical Writing at least 3 points at least 3 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 160 points at least 165 points A test to determine readiness for training 20
Analytical Writing at least 4 points at least 4 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 165 points at least 170 points A test to determine readiness for training 30
Analytical Writing at least 5 points at least 5 points

Persons entering the master’s degree program in the groups of educational programs in the field of training “Business and Management”, if they have an international certificate of passing the standardized GMAT test (Graduate Management Admission Test), are optionally exempt from taking CT to the master’s degree with Kazakh, Russian or English language of instruction, in accordance with the scale of points translation.

Persons who have an international certificate of passing the standardized GMAT test must enter the certificate data when applying for participation in the competition for awarding educational grants at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget or when enrolling in the OVPO on a paid basis.

The authenticity and validity of the submitted certificates are checked by the admission commissions of the OVPO when applying for participation in the competition for awarding educational grants at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget or when enrolling in the OVPO on a fee basis.

The scale of conversion of the points of the international certificate of the standardized GMAT test into CT scores for a master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction

The International Standardized GMAT Test Comprehensive testing
Test Sections Points for the Business and Management training course Types of test Scores
Quantitative Reasoning at least 40 points A test to determine readiness for training 15
Integrated Reasoning at least 4 points The test is based on the profile of groups of educational programs 30
Verbal Reasoning at least 20 points Foreign Language test 25
Analytical Writing at least 3 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 50 points A test to determine readiness for training 20
Integrated Reasoning at least 6 points The test is based on the profile of a group of educational programs 50
Verbal Reasoning at least 40 points Foreign Language test 35
Analytical Writing at least 4 points
Quantitative Reasoning at least 60 points A test to determine readiness for training 30
Integrated Reasoning at least 8 points The test is based on the profile of a group of educational programs 70
Verbal Reasoning at least 60 points Foreign Language test 50
Analytical Writing at least 5 points

The format of comprehensive testing in the scientific and pedagogical master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction.

The number of test tasks is 130.

The testing time is 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).

Block Foreign Language test* A test to determine readiness for training The test is based on the profile of a group of educational programs** Total
Sections The hearing Vocabulary-grammar Reading Critical thinking (elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information) Analytical thinking (analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships) Discipline 1 Ди Discipline 2
Language English/German/ French Kazakh/Russian Kazakh/Russian
Number of tasks 16 18 16 15 15 30 20 130
50 30 50
The form of the test tasks Choosing one correct answer Choosing one correct answer Choosing one correct answer Choosing one or more correct answers
Assessment 1 point 1 point 1 point 2 points – all correct answers, 1 point – for one mistake, 0 points – for two or more mistakes
Maksim. Number of points 50 30 30 points 40 points 150
The threshold score for tuition on a paid basis 25 7 points 7 points 7 points 75
The threshold score for obtaining a state educational grant 25 7 points 7 points 7 points 75

for admission to the master’s degree in groups of educational programs requiring knowledge of the Arabic language, an entrance exam in Arabic is passed for admission to the master’s degree in groups of educational programs requiring creative preparation, creative exams are passed.

The format of comprehensive testing for a specialized master’s degree with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction

The number of test tasks is 80

Testing time – 160 min (2 hours 40 min)

Block A test to determine readiness for training The test is based on the profile of a group of educational programs Total
Sections Critical thinking (elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information) Analytical thinking (analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships) Discipline 1 Discipline 2
Language Kazakh/Russian Kazakh/Russian by choice
Number of tasks 15 15 30 20 80
30 50
The form of the test tasks Choosing one correct answer Choosing one correct answer Choosing one or more correct answers
Assessment 1 point 1 point 2 points – all correct answers, 1 point – for one mistake, 0 points – for two or more mistakes
Maksim. Number of points 30 point 30 point 40 point 100
The threshold score for tuition on a paid basis 7 7 7 50
The threshold score for obtaining a state educational grant 7 7 7 50

The format of comprehensive testing for a specialized master’s degree with English as the language of instruction

The number of test tasks is 80

Testing time – 160 min (2 hours 40 min)

Block A test to determine readiness for training The test is based on the profile of a group of educational programs Total
Sections Critical thinking (elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information) Analytical thinking (analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships) Discipline 1 Discipline 2
Language Kazakh/Russian/English optional English
Number of tasks 15 15 30 20 80
30 50
The form of the test tasks Choosing one correct answer Choosing one correct answer Choosing one or more correct answers
Assessment 1 point 1 point 2 points – all correct answers, 1 point – for one mistake, 0 points – for two or more mistakes
Maksim. Number of points 30 point 30 point 40 point 100
The threshold score for tuition on a paid basis 7 point 7 point 7 point 50
The threshold score for obtaining a state educational grant 7 point 7 point 7 point 50
  • Republic of Kazakhstan
    090000, Uralsk
    N. Nazarbayev Avenue, 208