Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04201 Customs business Sagatov Azat
The management and teaching staff of the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology over the 20-year history of its existence have managed to create one of the best systems for training specialists in the field of jurisprudence, who, undoubtedly, are true patriots of their Homeland and an example for the younger generation. I can say with confidence that the training in the field of training «Customs» has made a significant contribution to my personal and professional development and allowed me to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for the invaluable contribution in the field of vocational training. Your activity contributes as much as possible to the further development of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a legal state. Thank you to your beloved University for the wonderful student years!
Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04202 Jurisprudence of Anara Askarovna Tauzhanova
First of all, I would like to say about the amazing teachers with unique knowledge. Scientists and textbook authors are people who are sincerely and completely passionate about their work. They tried to convey this love, interest and passion for science to the students. Each of us was involved in the essence of the problems discussed in almost all classes, forcing us to delve into, show curiosity, argue, express our opinion and justify it. The teaching was not formal and this is especially valuable. Even specialized terminology, which many students were not familiar with, was much easier to learn in this teaching format.
Our teachers are wonderful, the best, experienced, competent and qualified masters of their craft. I honestly write that I am proud that they taught me and my fellow students, and not anyone else. I think it is an art to convey such a large amount of necessary and important information, your vast experience to students.
It is difficult to express in words how happy I am that I studied at the WKITU, at the Higher School of Law, and how glad I am that wonderful teachers taught and passed on their experience to me!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and say a big thank you to the faculty of the Department of Law!
Muradimov Zamir Amirovich
It so happened that the choice of university was given to me quite easily – even in high school I realized that I would be an engineer in the oil industry or a geologist, since I lived in the village where such organizations as the Chagan Oil and Gas Exploration Expedition and the North Caspian Oil and Gas Exploration Expedition were based. I found out that a new West Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology (hereinafter ZKITU) has opened in Uralsk, and I chose it for admission. The inner voice did not deceive me, and I spent time with great pleasure in the walls of this wonderful university. ZKITU has many strengths: student activity, educational activities, options for self-realization – from cultural, creative and social to scientific and technical activities. All conditions for successful self-realization of each student. Student life is not only the acquisition of basic knowledge and the passage of an educational program, but also the comprehensive development of the student as a person. ZKITU is a great opportunity to find yourself, acquire the necessary competencies for a successful future life.
Graduated from the University in 2005. During the training period from 2000 to 2005, we were taught by very professional teachers, for example, such as Goh O.P., Pogorazdov P.G., Ihsanov K.A., Kim A.V., Baitlesova L.I., Kadyrgaliev N.M., Tlepbergenova Z.H.
Good luck to all applicants, become worthy engineers!
Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04202 Jurisprudence Kayrzhanova Adilzhana Sabituly
I am constantly convinced of the right choice of specialty. I remember when I made a decision with the topic of the thesis, I stopped at the topic “Stages of civil procedure”. This choice predetermined the future scope of my activity. I remember my teachers with gratitude. Student life was bright and interesting. And most importantly, we were given in-depth knowledge of the specialty. They brought up a sense of responsibility and patriotism in us. In the course of their activities, they have to work with different people. I am happy to say that the graduates of WKITU can be seen from afar. They are, as a rule, literate, multifaceted, interesting, informative, tactful. I am proud to say that WKITU is a forge of qualified legal personnel.
WKITU has developed its own approaches, trends, conditions, which in many ways are “business cards”, reveal the prospects for development and advantages of educational activities. The implementation of training programs is guaranteed by careful selection of highly qualified teachers. The high qualification of the teaching staff is a reliable guarantee that students receive good knowledge that will ensure their professional growth. Students practically throughout the entire period of training on the basis of modern technologies and computer programs receive knowledge, skills and abilities that, of course, determine the professional appearance of a modern highly qualified specialist in the field of law.
Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04201 Customs business Eleusizov Rinat Asylbekovich
Quality education is the key to future success. I have always thought so, and that is why, choosing a higher educational institution, I chose the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology. I would like to mention the excellent teaching staff who worked with us throughout our training. These are people who are dedicated to their work, who respect and appreciate their students, who bring them deep knowledge. There is no goal just to graduate you with a diploma, there is a goal to teach you the skills and knowledge that you will definitely need in your future work. You will never be left alone with the material you need to study, everything will be explained to you. In the process of studying, you will acquire not only an excellent theoretical, but also an excellent practical basis for further work, since the learning process involves the passage of practice necessary to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained, their practical testing. I was pleasantly surprised when, when applying for a job, my home university was noted at work as a plus. I am proud that I have completed the entire course of the Educational Program 6B04201 Customs. Thanks!
Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04201 Customs business Bakishev Kainar Abatovich
The whole life at WKITU is built in such a way as to give every student the opportunity to fully realize himself in all directions. Each of us – students, past and present, consciously came to WKITU – a university that opens up great opportunities for everyone who will be able to properly dispose of the knowledge and experience acquired within its walls. Having worked in the civil service after graduation, having gained good experience and the opportunity to apply all the knowledge gained at the university.
When people ask me where I studied, I answer with pride – in WKITU. In our society, there is an opinion about WKITU as the best forge of specialists in the legal field. It is well known that our university is very demanding of its students, so employers expect to receive highly competent employees from the university and are ready to entrust them with the most responsible tasks. I would like to express my gratitude to WKITU and its teachers, who support graduates, both with advice on controversial, intractable issues, and by holding major seminars, which is especially important during the period of large-scale legal reforms.
WKITU left only positive emotions about himself. It was a time not only of fun student life, but also of gaining knowledge from highly qualified and experienced teachers. It is safe to say that the diploma of WKITU is a guarantee of obtaining a quality education!
Review of the graduate Akhmetgalieva Alina Alexandrovna Educational program 6B04202 Jurisprudence
West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology (WKITU) is not just the name of the university. I had no doubt who I wanted to become in the future. Therefore, the question of which university to enter after school was not even there. For all the years of study, the university has become something native to me. WKITU meets you not by “clothes” and social status, but by your determination and desire to learn. If you are ready to work hard and achieve only ups in this life, then this place is just for you.
Talented teachers from day to day do not just give you knowledge, they instill in you a love for your future specialty.
Having started working immediately after graduating from university, I still try not to lose touch with teachers, from whom I do not stop studying even years after graduation. Student leisure at the university is very intense. Events are constantly held that allow students to reveal themselves not only in their studies, but also to show their creative or athletic talents.
I would like to express my gratitude to the entire teaching staff of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University, who helped all students gain knowledge in the direction of “Law”. Separately, I would like to thank the teaching staff of the Department of Humanities and Legal Disciplines, who are responsible for the educational, educational and research process, transfer their experience to the teaching staff, the staff of teachers is highly qualified, has passed certification and internship in leading training centers, as well as having extensive practical experience.
Review of the graduate of the Educational program 6B04202 Jurisprudence Abuova Akniet Yerkingalievna
In 2017, I entered the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology (hereinafter -WKITU).
Why did I choose this particular university?
Among the universities in our region, the University of WKITU is the best. Graduates of WKITU are well-known public figures, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and other persons who hold leadership positions and work for the benefit of our Motherland.
I cannot but mention the highly qualified teaching staff of WKITU, who tried to transfer all the accumulated knowledge to students. The teachers conducted interesting classes, advised us not to stop there and expand our horizons of knowledge.
Studying in the walls of the university building, I met a lot of talented and intelligent people who have repeatedly demonstrated their knowledge and creative abilities. It made me study even harder.
Guys from other cities of Kazakhstan studied in my group. They all came to WKITU to get a good education. During the four years I spent at the university, I studied a lot of disciplines related to my profession. I am proud to be a graduate of one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan.
Feedback graduate Kurmanaliev Asiata Bitimalievich educational program 6B07501 «Standardization and certification» (by industry)
At first it was difficult, because I had to study large amounts of information in a short time, but over time I got involved, got used to it (now, after graduation, I lack this “drive” that the learning process gave me). In the course of training, I learned a lot of new things, having formed a solid theoretical and practical knowledge base. I also gained invaluable experience during the training process. I would especially like to mention participation in scientific conferences – I have not had such an experience before, but it is extremely exciting, besides, no one has canceled the competitive moment.
The knowledge and skills acquired at the university were useful to me in my work, they allowed me to look at the process of software development and implementation from the other side, to form a more objective view of the IT infrastructure of the company in which I work.
The training at the department was interesting, fascinating and versatile. Teachers have always been responsible for conducting classes and often passed on their personal experience to us.
Separately, I would like to express my gratitude to the teaching staff, because the highly qualified staff of teachers who have passed certification and internship in leading training centers, as well as having extensive practical experience, are involved in training according to the educational program.
Feedback graduate of Zhumagulov Arsen Zholdygalievich of the educational program 6B07501 “Standardization and certification” (by industry)
This university has its own approaches, trends, conditions, which in many ways are “business cards”, reveal the prospects for development and advantages of educational activities. The implementation of training programs is guaranteed by careful selection of highly qualified teachers. The high qualification of the teaching staff is a reliable guarantee that students receive good knowledge that will ensure their professional growth. Students practically throughout the entire period of study on the basis of modern technologies and computer programs receive knowledge, skills and abilities that, of course, determine the professional appearance of a modern high-class specialist.
Observing today’s institute, it is difficult not to notice how its arrangement and the level of teaching have changed. Applicants receive not only a decent level of education here, which is confirmed by the state accreditation of the institute, but also broader personal development, because teachers are always ready to help their students in solving issues that arise throughout the entire training period. As a result, everyone makes their own choice for themselves, but entrusting their education to our institute, everyone will find their positive aspects here.”
There are many advantages in this university: its convenient location, a transport stop nearby, the city center, cozy classrooms, teachers with their good professional training.
I would like to thank all the teaching staff who helped all students to gain knowledge in the area of interest. Separately, I would like to express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Technosphere Safety, who are responsible for the educational, educational and research process, transfer their experience to students, the staff of teachers is highly qualified, has passed certification and internship in leading training centers, as well as having extensive practical experience.
Feedback graduates of Derbisova Gulmira Ermaganbetovna of the educational program 6B07501 “Standardization and certification” (by industry)
I want to say words of gratitude to all the teaching staff of the ZKITU Institute for an interesting learning process. The teaching staff at the Institute are highly qualified specialists. I want to thank them for the knowledge I received at the institute. On the one hand, it is the training of specialists in the educational program “Standardization and certification”, as it should be, is built in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. These requirements are implemented in the organization of the educational process, curricula, methodological recommendations, qualification requirements for graduates in the specialty. On the other hand, the university has its own approaches, trends, conditions, which in many ways are “business cards”, reveal the prospects for development and advantages of educational activities.
The training of students is not limited only to academic disciplines, subjects of the educational standard, Students practically throughout the entire period of study on the basis of modern technologies and computer programs receive knowledge, skills and abilities that, of course, determine the professional appearance of a modern high-class specialist. Special thanks to those teachers who helped students gain knowledge in the area of interest.
Observing today’s institute, it is difficult not to notice how its arrangement and the level of teaching have changed. Applicants receive not only a decent level of education here, which is confirmed by the state accreditation of the institute, but also broader personal development, because teachers are always ready to help their students in solving issues that arise throughout the entire training period. As a result, everyone makes their own choice for themselves, but entrusting their education to our institute, everyone will find their positive aspects here.
Samigali Meyrbek Samigalievich
I, Samigali Meyrbek Samigalievich, in 2017 entered the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology for the 1st year of veterinary medical specialty. I am currently completing 5 courses. The education that the educational institution gives me is huge.
The main goal of the teacher is to organize the improvement of the quality of education of students with the development of their creative abilities, independent cognitive competence. Each teacher in an educational institution conducts individual work with students, conducts differentiated and individual training. In the hope for the future of our country, today’s young generation sows knowledge, cultivates diligence and morality, dedicates knowledge and morality, puts all its strength into them. The specialists of the educational institution received the gratitude of the students by providing a very qualified, high-quality education.
I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who have honed my knowledge over these 5 years and contributed to becoming a qualified specialist!
Mayhiev Nurdaulet, graduate of 2022, veterinarian of Asan rural district of KGKP Kurmangazinsky district veterinary station of Atyrau region
I am a graduate of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University! One of the fundamental universities of the West Kazakhstan region.
Today, students of the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology take part in cultural events, various competitions, and win prizes. Thanks to your guidance and knowledge, we have become highly qualified, educated, qualified specialists and started working in our specialty. Thanks to my knowledge and experience in this field, I am becoming a specialist and actively developing my qualifications.
In general, I can fully believe that the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology has a bright future, a high Asar pass, a clear goal. I am glad that I got an education in such an educational institution.
I would like to wish the teaching staff of the university to rise to the top of the competition and give further training to highly qualified and promising specialists, may your work be fruitful and fruitful!
Kuan Dana Bekbolatovna, Graduate of the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology in 2022!
Choosing a university is an important and difficult decision for every person. I looked at many universities, each of which had its advantages and disadvantages. As a result, I chose the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology and did not regret this choice. The education received at our university has made a significant contribution to my professional growth. An effective educational program and teaching methodology, a strong teaching staff and a high level of technical, scientific and practical equipment contributed to obtaining deep fundamental knowledge in my chosen field-veterinary medicine, in a relatively short time. In addition, close contact with experienced teachers and professors provided ample opportunities for the development of professional skills in the specialty of Veterinary Medicine, which is one of their main advantages. Studying at our university allowed us to successfully use theoretical knowledge in practice.
Dear heads of universities, dear teachers! I express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart! The deep knowledge that you give deserves infinite respect! I got a great school of life at the university. Let your reputation grow thanks to the achievements of your educated descendants! I am always proud of you, our university!
Zheksenbai Ayan – Graduate of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University in 2022!
I am one of the graduates of the specialty Veterinary Medicine Zhexenbai Ayan. During my studies, I met professors and teachers of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology who have deep knowledge of the educational program of veterinary medicine, who are very serious professors and teachers with a very high level of responsibility, as well as understanding humor and able to arouse the interest and enthusiasm of students. Specialists of the highest level teach at this university. Graduates of our university are in demand in the labor market and are leading specialists of various organizations and companies, so the choice of this educational institution did not cause me any doubts. As a graduate of ZKITU, I can say with confidence that I chose the right university, since we were trained by professionals in their field who have theoretical knowledge and practical skills that correspond to modern economic conditions.
I express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the department, the teaching staff of the university. I wish all teachers good health and creative success in their work!
Aubakirov Asset, graduate of 2022. Head of the GCP at the Baiterek District Veterinary Station of the Veterinary Department of the Akimat of the West Kazakhstan region.
I graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Humanities of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University under the educational program “Veterinary Medicine”. Now I am working in my specialty. The in-depth knowledge gained at the university and the practical skills gained during practice are now being applied in the process of work, while studying at the university, we received the necessary knowledge, learned how to work in the research direction. I express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the department, the teaching staff of the university. I wish all teachers good health and creative success in their work! I wish every graduate to enter the service in the specialties!
Feedback from a graduate student of the educational program 5В073100 “Life safety and environmental protection” about studying at the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University (ZKITU)
I, Senkovets Veronika Vitalievna, am a graduate of ZKITU. When choosing a university, I relied on such criteria as the presence of the chosen profession, the cost of education and proximity.
During the study under the educational program 5B073100 “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”, the university provided an opportunity to develop a person as a person, showing their talents, broaden their horizons, gain not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge.
The university has a high-quality teaching staff, and also has a solid and extensive theoretical and material and technical base for comfortable teaching of students, listens to the opinion of each student and contributes to improving the quality of education.
It is worth noting that the university actively supports the development of students in scientific and sports activities, providing all kinds of conditions for this. Various scientific conferences, round tables, olympiads, project competitions are held annually. The university also gives students the opportunity to publish scientific articles, essays and projects in their own scientific journal “Vestnik ZKITU” and other sources, giving students the opportunity to prove themselves as young scientists.
A big plus of studying at this university is the availability of an academic mobility program with good academic performance. This program gives students the opportunity to visit other universities in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, while students exchange experience, knowledge, culture and teaching methods with other students and teachers, as well as expand their own horizons.
Student activity is an integral part of student learning, thus the university provides students with complete freedom in realizing their creative potential.
Personally, on my own behalf, I would like to express my gratitude to the entire faculty of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology for the valuable knowledge and experience I received, for support and assistance in the learning process. I want to say special thanks to L.I. Baitlesova, R.B. Shirvanov, V.A. Burakhta, V.N. Khon, A.K. Dzhubayaliyeva, R.N. for high professionalism, competence, friendliness, patience and readiness to answer any questions of students. Your work is an example of enthusiasm and dedication. May kindness and wisdom never run out in your hearts! I sincerely wish you new professional achievements!
Feedback from a graduate student of the educational program 5В073100 “Life safety and environmental protection” about studying at the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University (ZKITU)
I, Prokazov Nikolai Dmitrievich, am a graduate of ZKITU. Studying at this university, for me personally, did not cause any difficulties. When choosing an educational institution, I was guided by several parameters: the cost of education, the availability and prospects of the chosen profession, proximity to the place of residence.
During the study under the educational program 5B073100 “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”, the university provided many opportunities to show their talents, expand their horizons of knowledge and impressions.
First, it is worth noting the educational and scientific activities. Every year the university holds various scientific conferences, project competitions, olympiads, round tables, etc. thus giving students the opportunity to prove themselves as young, novice scientists, to publish their articles, projects, essays.
Secondly, for good academic performance, students have the opportunity to visit other universities in Kazakhstan or neighboring countries under the academic mobility program. I consider this one of the most valuable opportunities that a university can provide to a student. The student has the opportunity to exchange experience, knowledge, teaching culture with other students and teachers. In addition, this is a great opportunity to visit another city and expand your horizons of knowledge and impressions.
Thirdly, meeting a lot of new people. The university gave me the opportunity to get not only professional theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, but also taught me teamwork, negotiate and find a common language with people, the ability to convince and defend my point of view.
In conclusion, I want to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and staff of WKITU for the knowledge I acquired in the learning process, for support and help. Separately, it is worth mentioning the teaching staff of the faculty and the department where I studied. I believe that all teachers of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology can be considered professionals in their field. Teachers not only know the material very well, but are always ready to help sort out the questions of interest to the student. The teachers of the department are those people from whom you want to take an example in the manner of behavior, the culture of communication and the height of knowledge. Laura Ilyasovna, Vera Alekseevna, Rashid Bulatovich, Gulshat Rakhmetullaevna, Vladimir Nikolaevich, Raushan Nurlanovna, Isatai Kenesovich – thank you very much!!!
Feedback from graduate Imangaliyev Askar Aitkalievich educational program 6B11201 “Life safety and environmental protection”
West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University provides an opportunity to get a decent higher education. The teaching staff is very responsible, the lectures were full of information. I don’t complain about self-study between sessions either, informative tests. In general, the educational process is built well. Convenient system-portal for tests, manuals, etc. The teachers are understanding and go to the meeting. Everything about the learning process was explained clearly. I successfully apply the knowledge gained at the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University in practice.
I work in the West-Kazakhstan branch “Ak Beren” of the limited liability partnership “Republican Central Headquarters of Professional Paramilitary Emergency Rescue Services” as the commander of the Karachaganak gas rescue squad.
Feedback from graduate Abdrashev Aidarbek Baimyrzauly educational program 6B11201 “Life safety and environmental protection”
He received a technical education at the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University. A worthy institution for higher education, with the prospect of further professional growth. Properly selected items for the session, which greatly facilitates the preparation. Students are required to undergo educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice in divisions and parts of the fire department, in the state fire supervision authorities, in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as in enterprises and private organizations that deal with fire safety or labor protection. I don’t regret choosing this profession. In the course of training, the knowledge that is simply necessary now during work was given. Only pleasant memories remain.
He got a job as a firefighter-rescuer in the Ural branch of LLP “Semser – Ort Sondirushi” to ensure the fire protection of the Karachaganak field of KPO b.v.
Shotov Boranbay – graduate of the magistracy West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University.
In general, the University provides a universal education that allows graduates of the master’s program to work not only in the field of their chosen specialty, but also in teaching. Based on my own experience, I can advise future undergraduates to pay more attention to major subjects in pedagogy and psychology, as well as pedagogical practice.
I graduated from the scientific and pedagogical magistracy of the University of WKITU with a degree in 7M09101 – Veterinary Medicine. I want to thank the teachers of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology, specializing in Veterinary Medicine, who gave me theoretical knowledge and practical skills. I successfully use these knowledge and skills in my classes at this university. I want to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor for consultations on scientific work and in the design and writing of the dissertation.
Togzhanova Didara Bolatovna – a graduate of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University
I, Togzhanova Didara Bolatovna, in 2014 entered the West Kazakhstan Innovative Technological University for the 1st year in the specialty “Veterinary Medicine”. After completing 5 years of higher education in 2019, she entered the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology, a master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine. In 2022, she graduated from the Master’s degree and received an academic degree of Master of Veterinary Sciences. Currently, thanks to the knowledge gained at the university, I work as a veterinarian in the branch of the WKO RSE “Republican Veterinary Laboratory” KVKiN of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The education that the educational institution has given me is huge. I recommend the university to all my fellow friends.
The main goal of the teacher is to organize the improvement of the quality of education of students with the development of their creative abilities, independent cognitive competence. Each teacher in an educational institution conducts individual work with students, conducts differentiated and individual training. In the hope for the future of our country, today’s young generation sows knowledge, cultivates diligence and morality, dedicates knowledge and morality, invests all its strength in them. The specialists of the educational institution are working to get the gratitude of the students by providing a very qualified, high-quality education.
I would like to express my gratitude to the teachers who have honed my knowledge over these 7 years and contributed to becoming a qualified specialist!
Dzhumagalieva Aiman Amangeldievna – a graduate of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University.
I graduated from the scientific and pedagogical magistracy of the University of WKITU with a degree in 7M09101 – Veterinary Medicine. I would like to note the teachers in clinical disciplines who gave me not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing primary care to domestic and farm animals with non-communicable diseases, but also the ability to build competently lectures and practical classes during teaching practice. I am currently applying this knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct classes correctly in my college classes. I remember the period of study with a little nostalgia, I want to plunge back into the scientific world of research on the development of new methods of helping animals. I want to once again express my gratitude to my supervisor for advice in writing correct scientific articles and reports at conferences.
Akhatova Rysbike Izbaskanovna, Master’s student of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University in 2023!
Choosing a profession is an important and difficult decision for every person. I have reviewed many universities, each of which had its advantages and disadvantages. Working at the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University, I entered the master’s program, I did not regret this choice. The education received at our university has made a significant contribution to my professional growth. An effective educational program and teaching methodology, a strong teaching staff and a high level of technical, scientific and practical equipment contributed to obtaining deep fundamental knowledge in my chosen field-veterinary medicine, in a relatively short time. In addition, close contact with experienced teachers and professors provided ample opportunities for the development of professional skills in the specialty of Veterinary Medicine, which is one of their main advantages. Studying at our university allowed us to successfully use theoretical knowledge in practice.
Dear heads of universities, dear teachers! I express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart! The deep knowledge that you give deserves infinite respect! I got a great school of life while studying for a master’s degree. Let your reputation grow thanks to the achievements of your educated descendants! I am always proud of you, our university!